Frequently asked questions
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What is Procedure for Distributership ?
It is Procedure of almost 1 month. Dealer has to sign aggrement with Urja and with starting billing after opening dealer code and emil id from company. account login software will be provided to dealer from where he can place order and get time of delivery. for details please contact our marketting exic
do solar work in rainy season?
We do serve before giveing solution. once we provided solution we promise that our solar system will work in normal rainy season. off course at too much bad weather no solar can work we have to neglect few days.
how much time it take to install solar roof top system?
hardly two days but Goverment process may take 30 days to 90 days time depend on MSCEDCL responce.
Do Solar work in Night?
Here is where magic comes. Solar dont work in Night but depend on our client demand we provide solution. in short solar work in night also we have to store day energy for night either at Battery Level or by On grid project.
is solar costly compair to other green energy like wind etc?
Yes solar is little costly but it has zero maintance as compair to other products like wind hydrostation etc.